
Racial and Ethnic Impact Statements

Racial and Ethnic Impact Analysis - HB 1178, 2025

Public Safety Policy and Research Center

Racial and Ethnic Impact Statements (REIS) provide information related to the potential impacts of a policy change on individuals from different racial and/or ethnic backgrounds. The purpose of these statements is to provide additional information to policymakers to aid in identifying potential unwanted disparities in the criminal justice system. This report provides information the potential impacts of House Bill (HB) 1178: Concerning Sentencing Enhancements, introduced in the 2025 Washington State Legislature.

Criminal Justice Racial and Ethnic Impact Statements

Public Safety Policy and Research Center

Lawmakers are tasked with making decisions about important policy changes. When making these decisions, lawmakers consult a variety of information including discussions with key stakeholders, consideration of public testimony, and analysis of available data. Understanding the potential impacts of a policy change, good or bad, is necessary to make informed policy decisions. Increasingly, lawmakers have access to a variety of impact statements that serve to predict the likely effects of policy changes such as financial impact statements and health impact statements. This report provides an overview of a new type of impact statement – Racial and Ethnic Impact Statements (REISs) – which seek to anticipate the potential impacts of policy changes on different racial and ethnic groups. This report begins with a discussion of the purpose and use of REISs and an overview of the different characteristics of the processes for producing REISs as implemented in other states. The report then discusses previous work regarding the use of REISs in Washington and provides a look at historical trends of disproportionality in arrests, convictions, and incarceration in Washington. This report concludes with an outline of the processes that the Public Safety Policy and Research Center (PSPRC) intends to use to begin producing REISs for proposed legislation involving criminal justice reforms starting in the 2025 Legislative Session as a service for the Sentencing Guidelines Commission (SGC).

Community Supervision

Lifetime Supervision: Compilation of State Policies Concerning Individuals Convicted of a Sex Offense

Public Safety Policy and Research Center

The purpose of this resource is to identify whether states have established unique sentencing policies for individuals convicted of a sex offense authorizing community supervision for life. In states where lifetime supervision policies were identified, we also examined whether the state has an established pathway off of lifetime supervision status. This resource highlights each state’s relevant statutes to lifetime supervision policies with the green text emphasizing the pathway off of supervision (when applicable).

Criminal Justice System

The Justice Data Warehouse and the COVID-19 Metrics and Indicators

Statistical Analysis Center

The global 2020 coronavirus pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the operations and actions of local, state, and national governments across all areas of criminal justice. The unique characteristics of this pandemic trend toward short- and long-term consequences as significant changes to criminal justice and legal outcomes. To respond to these impacts, the Washington Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) applied for and received the 2022 State Justice Statistics (SJS) grant from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The SAC sought the grant to increase access to statistical data and create new metrics and indicators to enhance the integrated criminal justice database — the Justice Data Warehouse (JDW) — in efforts to strategically and analytically evaluate the pandemic’s impacts in criminal justice. Through this grant, the Washington SAC leveraged and built upon the JDW to expand the data variables by creating COVID-19 metrics and indicators to help assess and account for COVID-19 impacts in the criminal justice and legal system.

Assessing Disparities in the Criminal Justice System by Each Decision Point

Statistical Analysis Center

This project endeavors to assess disparities in the criminal justice system by each decision point.

Washington's Criminal Justice Funnel

Statistical Analysis Center

This project aims to connect data from multiple agencies to detail the relationship between arrests, court cases, and corrections.

Sex Offender Leveling in Washington and SORNA Tiering

Statistical Analysis Center

This report aims to show how the state would tier registered sex offenders in Washington, if the state chooses to incorporate a specific tiering system and seek compliance with the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act.

Sex Offender Supervision in Washington State and Areas for Improvement

Statistical Analysis Center

This report details the findings of a workgroup tasked with reviewing sex offender supervision in Washington.

Feasibility of a Single Point-of-Contact Firearm Background Check System

Statistical Analysis Center

Discusses the feasibility of centralizing Washington's firearem background check system and provides recommendations around implemetation.

A Gap Analysis of the Firearm Background Check System

Statistical Analysis Center

Details the Washington firearm background system and discusses gaps in procedure.

Gap Analysis Interactive Map

Statistical Analysis Center

User-guided process map for the Washington firearm background check system with gaps highlighted from the report.

Washington Residents' Perceptions of Sex Offenders and Sex Offender Policies

Statistical Analysis Center

Examines Washington residents' perceptions of sex offenders and sex offender policies

Criminal Justice Dashboard

Statistical Analysis Center

Provides statewide data by county on respondents’ awareness of serious crimes committed in their neighborhoods in 2006


Utilizing the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS): Disproportionality in Crimes Against Society in Washington

Statistical Analysis Center

Through the use of publicly available data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to evaluate sex and racial disparities and disproportionalities, this report, which is part of a series of NIBRS reports, will endeavor to better understand more about the different demographic groups that are most impacted, and how these trends vary by time. Furthermore, this report will assess the demographic differences in the presence of bias motivation, the use of weapons and/ or force, and the presence of familiarity in victimization in NIBRS crimes against society (i.e., offenses that represent society’s prohibitions against certain activities, such as gambling, prostitution, and drug violations - these are typically victimless crimes.

Utilizing the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS): Disproportionality in Crimes Against Property in Washington

Statistical Analysis Center

Through the use of publicly available data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to evaluate sex and racial disparities and disproportionalities, this report, which is part of a series of NIBRS reports, will endeavor to better understand more about the different demographic groups that are most impacted, and how these trends vary by time. Furthermore, this report will assess the demographic differences in the presence of injury, the presence of bias motivation, the use of weapons and/ or force, and the presence of familiarity in victimization in NIBRS crimes against property (i.e., i.e., criminal acts that destroy or deprive another's property against the owner's will - generally considered less serious than crimes against persons, but they can still be felonies).

Utilizing the National Incident -Based Reporting System (NIBRS): Disproportionality in Crimes Against Persons in Washington

Statistical Analysis Center

Through the use of publicly available data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to evaluate sex and racial disparities and disproportionalities, this report, which is part of a series of NIBRS reports, will endeavor to better understand more about the different demographic groups that are most impacted, and how these trends vary by time. Furthermore, this report will assess the demographic differences in the presence of injury, the presence of bias motivation, the use of weapons and/ or force, and the presence of familiarity in victimization in NIBRS crimes against persons (i.e., crimes whose victims are individuals).

A Quantitative Analysis of COVID-19's Impact on the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice in Washington

Statistical Analysis Center

This report analyzes COVID-19 impacts on criminal justice data. Specifically, it focuses on the differences amongst adult and juvenile arrests, adult sentencing and juvenile dispositions, adult and juvenile carceral admissions between 2020 and previous years. This type of analysis can help support state and federal policymakers in determining potential next steps in addressing the pandemic’s impact on the criminal justice system – both in the short-term and in the long-term.

Effects of COVID-19 on Offenses, Arrests, and Bookings

Statistical Analysis Center

This project analyzes COVID-19 impacts on criminal justice data. Specifically, it focuses on reported National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) offenses and Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) arrests and bookings.

Perceptions of Neighborhood Crime: 2004

Forecasting and Research Division, Office of Financial Management

Forecasting and Research Division, Office of Financial Management
Provides statewide data by county on respondents’ awareness of serious crimes committed in their neighborhoods in 2004

Perceptions of Neighborhood Crime: 2006

Forecasting and Research Division, Office of Financial Management

Provides statewide data by county on respondents’ awareness of serious crimes committed in their neighborhoods in 2006


Long-Term Recidivism: Race and Sex Differences in Washington Prison Population's Return to Prison

Statistical Analysis Center

Tracking recidivism can provide necessary information to support successful integration into the community following a prison sentence – which promotes community and public safety. Furthermore, understanding the individuals who are more likely to recidivate, and assessing demographic differences amongst the years can provide even more knowledge for supporting successful reentry.

Long-Term Recidivism: Assessing the Washington Prison Population's Return to Prison

Statistical Analysis Center

Rates of recidivism have been commonly used as a key measure for public safety and in assessing the effectiveness of the criminal justice system – sentencing, jails, prisons, community supervision, treatment and reentry programming. There is continued interest in tracking recidivism rates beyond a three-year follow up. Tracking long-term recidivism can provide information for supporting incarcerated individuals and promoting their success to reintegrate into the community following a prison sentence.

Long-Term Recidivism of Washington Sex Offenders


Statistical Analysis Center

Statistics on the arrest rates over a 15 year period for those registering as sex offenders in Washington.


Exploring Racial, Sex and Age Disproportionalities within Washington State Jails

Statistical Analysis Center

This project will draw on the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC)'s Jail Booking and Reporting System (JBRS) to evaluate the potential demographic disparities by rates of days in jail and by rates of recidivism.

A Discussion on Washington State Jail Data Readiness

Statistical Analysis Center

This project will draw on the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Jail Booking and Reporting System to evaluate the readiness, (e.g., relevance, interpretability, coherence, and accuracy) of this data set.

A Hard Cell

Statistical Analysis Center

Compares economic outcomes for similar offenders in prison or community supervision.

Beyond Burglary

Statistical Analysis Center

Examines the recidivism and post-release employment outcomes for property offenders with violent, sex and drug offenses.

Breaches of Conduct

Statistical Analysis Center

Considers the correlations present between violations in custody and post-release outcomes.

Correcting Course

Statistical Analysis Center

Matches offenders based on their likelihood to complete education in prison and compares the outcomes of those receiving GEDs and higher education degrees.

Of Jobs and Jail: Outcomes for Washington State Property Offenders

Statistical Analysis Center

Examines the recidivism and post-release employment rates of Washington property offenders

Jail Bookings in Washington State

Statistical Analysis Center

Provides statewide jail booking data for calendar years 2010 through 2013.

Behavioral Health Needs of Jail Inmates in Washington State

Research and Data Analysis Division, Department of Social and Health Services

Research and Data Analysis Division, Department of Social and Health Services
Compares mental health and substance use disorder treatment needs of Medicaid enrollees booked into jail in 2013 with those of the general Medicaid population


Washington State's Sentencing Guidelines and Offender Score

Statistical Analysis Center

This project reviews Washington state's offender score, and other situations calculations associated to the offender score, on rates of recidivism rates.

Sex Offender Sentencing in Washington State

Statistical Analysis Center

This report reviews disparities in sex offender sentencing in Washington state using a Quantile Regression.

Prison and Jail Usage in Washington State

Forecasting and Research Division, Office of Financial Management

Examines the number of sentences and average sentence length by offense type and county to determine whether sentencing for similar crimes is uniform across counties in Washington

Fiscal Year 2004 National Criminal History Improvement Program Application

Office of Financial Management

Details the Washington 2004 application to the National Criminal History Improvement Program, a grant program to improve the quality and accessibility of criminal history records

Juvenile Sentencing Guidelines Simulation: Documentation

Statistical Analysis Center

Provides documentation on a computer simulation of Washington’s juvenile sentencing guidelines to assess the potential impact of proposed changes in sentencing guidelines

Juvenile Crime

Exclusionary Discipline and Later Justice System Involvement

Statistical Analysis Center

This project seeks to discover whether exclusionary discipline and later criminal justice system involvement are associated, and to determine whether race, sex, and homelessness are confounding factors.

Juvenile Justice Standardized Report

Statistical Analysis Center

Education and Workforce Outcomes of Juvenile Justice Participants in Washington state

Youth Aging Out of Foster Care

Research and Data Analysis Division, Department of Social and Health Services

Research and Data Analysis Division, Department of Social and Health Services
Identifies key risk and protective factors associated with criminal justice involvement among youth transitioning to adulthood the year after aging out of foster care.

Juveniles Sentenced As Adults and Juvenile Decline Hearings

Statistical Analysis Center

Provides data regarding race, ethnicity, age, and sentences of juveniles who were tried as adults and those who were tried in juvenile court 

Out-of-Home Placement History of Juvenile Offenders Sentenced as Adults

Washington State Center for Court Research, Administrative Office of the Courts

Explores how many juvenile offenders who were sentenced as adults had previous contact with the foster care system

School Engagement and Juvenile Offending Among Maltreated Youth

Washington State Center for Court Research, Administrative Office of the Courts

Examines the impact of abuse and neglect on juvenile crime based on type of maltreatment, race, ethnicity, and gender 

Violent Crime in Washington's Schools

Statistical Analysis Center

Provides key findings from a survey on the occurrence of violent crimes in Washington schools, along with characteristics of those schools in relation to their crime rates, during the 2008-2009 school year

Marijuana Legalization

Monitoring Impacts of Recreational Marijuana Legalization: 2019 Update Report

Statistical Analysis Center, Forecasting and Research Division, Office of Financial Management

Reports on updated information on marijuana use, criminal activity, production, and retail sales

Monitoring Impacts of Recreational Marijuana Legalization: 2016 Update Report

Forecasting and Research Division, Office of Financial Management

Reports on updated information on marijuana use, criminal activity, production, and retail sales

Two reports by the Forecasting and Research Division of the Washington Office of Financial Management analyze the production and sales of marijuana since its recreational legalization in Washington and its impacts on crime.

In February 2015, a baseline report, Monitoring Impacts of Recreational Marijuana Legalization: 2015 Baseline Report, was released. A second report, Monitoring Impacts of Recreational Marijuana Legalization: 2015 Update Report, was released in January 2016 to include additional data and account for legislation modifying some of the provisions initially outlined in Initiative 502.

Both reports measure and analyze:

  • Marijuana use
  • Marijuana production and sales
  • Marijuana misuse
  • Crime related to marijuana
  • Marijuana tax revenues
  • Local marijuana ordinances

Monitoring Impacts of Recreational Marijuana Legalization: 2015 Update Report

Forecasting and Research Division, Office of Financial Management

Reports on updated information on marijuana use, criminal activity, production, and retail sales

Monitoring Impacts of Recreational Marijuana Legalization: 2015 Baseline Report

Forecasting and Research Division, Office of Financial Management

Provides a baseline report on marijuana use, criminal activity, production, and retail sales

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence in WA 1999-2010

Washington State Center for Court Research, Administrative Office of the Courts

Examines the rates of domestic violence case filings in Washington, characteristics of first-time offenders, and first-time offenders’ other offenses in the 5 years before and after their first domestic violence offense

Domestic Violence Sentencing Conditions and Recidivism

Washington State Center for Court Research, Administrative Office of the Courts

Examines the relationship between the type of sentence received for domestic violence and recidivism


The Impact of Drugs in Washington State

Statistical Analysis Center

Reports on the costs of drug and alcohol use to public health and criminal justice systems in Washington to identify differential impacts across the state