The Washington Statistical Analysis Center is a clearinghouse for state data on crime and justice topics, brought together from many different agencies and reporting systems. Use our Web-based query tools to target your crime and justice questions and search the databases for answers. Full data sets from each database are downloadable in Excel or SAS for more detailed analysis.
Criminal Justice Data Book
The Washington State Criminal Justice Data Book combines state data from multiple agency sources that can be queried through CrimeStats Online.
CrimeStats Online contains data on:
- reported crimes
- adult and juvenile arrests, sentences, and dispositions
- superior court filings
- prison admissions
- prison populations
- The Data Sources and Descriptions list describes the data sources and types that were combined to create CrimeStats Online
- The Criminal Justice Data Book codebook describes what data was collected and how it was named
Complete Data Sets
Download complete data sets from this database for your own detailed analysis:
- Excel Dataset (xlsx, 1.4 MB)
- SAS Dataset (sas7bdat, 2 MB)
County Profiles
Access the complete Criminal Justice Data Book data for each Washington county and for the state as a whole:
Uniform Crime Reporting
Summary Reporting System (SRS) and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) are part of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting system. SRS and NIBRS collect data on crime incidents that are reported by law enforcement agencies across the country. Because SRS and NIBRS data are collected differently, they cannot be compared.
Summary Reporting System
SRS has been used since the 1930s to collect national crime data. Washington SRS data is available from 1994 to 2018. Data will no longer be produced from the SRS as of 2018.
- The SRS User Manual (pdf, 1.2 MB) describes how crimes in SRS are classified, counted, and reported
- The SRS codebook (pdf, 519 KB) describes SRS data and how it is
Complete Data Sets
Download complete data sets from this database for your own detailed analysis.
- Excel Dataset (xlsx, 587 KB)
- SAS Dataset (sas7bdat, 1.2 KB)
National Incident Based Reporting System
NIBRS was created in the 1980s to collect more detailed information on crime. Washington NIBRS data begins in 2012.
- The NIBRS User Manual (pdf, 983 KB) describes how crimes are defined and reported in NIBRS
- The NIBRS codebook (pdf, 523 KB) names and defines the variables in NIBRS data
Complete Data Sets
Download complete data sets from this database for your own detailed analysis.
- Excel Dataset (xlsx, 213 KB)
- SAS Dataset (sas7bdat, 459 KB)